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Justice for Breonna Taylor

Recently, a grand jury indicted one of the officers involved in the unjust murder of Breonna Taylor. This officer was charged with three counts of “wanton endangerment in the first degree.” According to the Kentucky state law, this is when someone, “wantonly engages in conduct which creates a substantial danger of death or serious physical injury to another person…with indifference to human life” (Section 508.060). These charges are for the shots fired through Breonna Taylor’s apartment wall, which entered a neighbors’ apartments and endangered them. One count was charged for each neighbor. The maximum penalty for each charge is up to five years of imprisonment. There are no charges against any of the officers involved in the shooting of Breonna Taylor pertaining to her death.

This is not justice for Breonna.

The FBI is still currently investigating whether the three officers violated her civil rights. This means that we can’t give up. We must continue to stand up for what we believe in and use our voices! As members of the ASM student chapter, we are taking a stand. We believe that everyone deserves justice and as an organization will continue to stand for Breonna Taylor!

What we can do now is come together and make our voices heard. The way they will hear us is by who we choose to represent us. I urge you to vote in the upcoming election. Not just on the presidential level but to research the candidates for your local positions that are up for election. Change happens on the local, state and federal levels. If you have not yet registered to vote and would like to, I have included the links here:



Jamila Tucker

ASM Student Chapter

Diversity Representative

Ways you can help get justice for Breonna Taylor can be found in the link below:

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